Laura Beth encouraged me on her blog to reflect a bit on the past year.
And as I read her blog, I was reminded of how eventful 2011 was for many. Friends, family, our own nuclear family, all experiencing some drastic changes.
As a Christian, I know these changes to all be a part of God's magnificent plan. A plan that to us, looks all a blur as we stare at it up close. But I know there is a big picture. A big picture that when revealed is one that will most glorify the Lord and will be for our most good. Will we ever fully understand it? I don't think so on this side of heaven, but I know it to be good and best.
Romans 8:28 says, "And I know that all things work together for the good of those who love Him, who are the called according to His purpose."
2011 started out with a bang for us. My heart sank when John walked into this very room I am sitting now to tell me he lost his job. It was one of those circumstances that you think would be the unthinkable, especially with me being a stay at home mom and having no other source of income. But as John and I walked through it, I was often reminded of how the Lord provides grace for us to deal with the situtations He puts us in. While anxiety and heartache was there, it was not consuming. I was reminded...
"My grace is sufficient for you. For my power is made perfect in weakness." 2 Cor. 12:9
And as I look back on this year, I'm still a stay at home mom. This is nothing short of a miracle. Our circumstances screamed impossible. With John starting a new business that, like any new business, takes time to gain momentum, our finances were low. And yet, the year before John lost his job, he got a promotion. A promotion that allowed us to FINALLY put money into savings.
A savings that the Lord used for us during this past year.
And guess what? When we emptied that savings, almost to the day, the Lord poured financial provision on us through eight sold jobs in a matter of days! This after several months of no leads and definitely no sold jobs.
And I'm thankful. Thankful that in this financial "crisis" of sorts I'm still at home with my kids. It's my heart's desire to be at home with them. I believe the Lord, in our situation, has been faithful to provide in such a way for me to do that. And He has provided through John, a hardworker who has served us by doing whatever job available to make money for our family.
And as Laura Beth reminded me in her blog, our situation could be worse. The Lord could have chosen and could choose to move us in a different direction. I know there are so many more who have suffered and are suffering in more devastating ways. And I am reminded that our only hope in good times and in times of heartache and disappointment is the Lord.
I'm reminded of one of my favorite hymns that says,
"On Christ the Solid Rock I stand, all other ground is sinking sand...
When darkness veils His lovely face, I rest on His unchanging grace...
Hi oath, His covenant, His blood, support me in the whelming flood. When all around my soul gives way, He then is all my hope and stay."
2011, a year that flooded us with opportunities to trust the Lord and to be reminded He alone is our Hope and our source of true Peace regardless of the situations we find ourselves in.
May 2012 continue to strengthen us in the Lord and draw us even more close to Him and may we cling to Him, the Solid Rock, no matter what the coming year holds.
17 hours ago