
Monday, May 05, 2008

Mommy's Update

Well Mommy went to the doctor today. I stayed with Ellie and Mrs. Kim this time. Mommy said that was a good idea because she was there a long time!! I would have gotten antsy. Mommy had contractions yesterday and we thought the baby may be coming sooner than later! It still may be! She is dialated 1-2 cm and is 75% effaced. She is now measuring a little ahead of her due date too. The baby has dropped and its little head is in position ready to go. The midwife seemed surprised at where Mommy was at. But you just never know about this labor thing. But we are hoping the baby will come sooner than later. Mommy is getting tired I think. She's been a little cranky. I think I'm ready to see my new sibling and have Mommy back to her old self. She goes back next Tuesday. . .unless little baby decides to come sooner. We'll just have to wait and see!!