Last week Mommy did a craft with me. She painted a canvas pink and then put paint all over my hands and feet. Then, you know what happened next I'm sure. I, or should I say Mommy, stamped my feet onto the pink canvas. We're going to hang it in my room soon as Mommy is finished with the other touches. Well, after I stamped my feet down, Mommy had me stand in a bowl of cold water immediately to wash the paint off my feet and boy was I happy. I do not like messy hands or feet. And then, I fell in love. This bowl full of water was just too much fun! I splashed my hands in it. I threw rocks in it. I had a blast. While Mommy was trying to return my attention to the fun painting task at hand, I became enamored by this bowl of water and could think of nothing else. When Mommy said we had to go inside, I cried. No, I WAILED. I didn't want to part with this bowl full of water. I begged and begged Mommy to let me go back outside. I said, "Mommy, ousigh, bowl." Finally, she gave in that day. And now, everyday. In the afternoons, Mommy, Grant, and I go out on our front porch (the ONLY area of shade around our house) and we play in this yellow bowl of water. I've introduced my rocks to this bowl. I dip them in and let them swim around. Then I add leaves, mud, pinestraw. Boy, it's a blast. People often wonder what we're doing on our front porch with this yellow bowl of water. We get strange glances. But I don't care. I am not ashamed of my yellow bowl of water.
18 hours ago
It's amazing how fascinating water is to children. Lucy and Samuel like to "paint" the porch and driveway. etc. with water - loads of fun and no mess! Enjoy that yellow bowl Hannah
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