
Thursday, February 06, 2014

A Georgia Snow Day

If you aren't stuck in your car overnight on an icy road, miles away from home...then snow in Georgia CAN be fun!
This is what a Georgia Snow Day looks like:
Nothing says Georgia Snow Day like riding in a "sled" while being pulled by a four wheeler over icy streets.

Or the opportunity to wear a faux fur hat because well, it's actually that cold.

And nothing says Georgia Snow Day like being bundled up for ten inches of snow despite there only being a slight dusting on the ground.

And mismatched mittens scream Georgia Snow Day because well, they tend to get lost in the shuffle of the sock drawer from years of loneliness and "dress up" play.

Snowballs scraped, scraped, together make it a Georgia Snow Day because, well, you just don't count on much more than a dusting so you take what you can get when you can get it.

And nothing says a Georgia Snow Day like two eager kids waiting for the first flake to fall after hearing "snow" come out of the weatherman's mouth.
This, my friends, is a Georgia Snow Day.
It's how we roll.


Grandmama said...

I love the way they enjoyed their day in the snow. Nothing like a child playing in the snow. It is a day of pure blessing from God. Love my babies