
Friday, August 06, 2010

Happy Fourth of July (A Month Later)

Sure, it's August. Kids are back in school (not us). Fall clothes are in the stores. Summer fun is winding down. But we'd like to take this time to say, "Happy Fourth of July!" We spent the Saturday before the Fourth at a fun place, an old battlefield. What made it so fun, you ask? Let me tell you.

1. Riding the BIG inflatable slide. MY FAVORITE. One may look at little old me and take me for a weenie. Let's face it, Mommy is. But not me. We started the evening on a small inflatable obstacle course. The slide was great, but let's face it, a bit small and amateur. So, Daddy let me go on the GIANT slide (not pictured here). I had tons of fun going down it again and again. The best part for Mommy and was free! The worst part...well...for Grant...he was too small to ride it. Hence, the crying face.

2. Going to jail. Okay, so I'm obsessed a bit with jails. We pass one every now and then when we run errands. Mommy says it's for people who broke the law. I don't get it. But I remind Mommy every time we go past that they "broke the lock," and that "they can't play because they lost their priviledge." So, I thought I'd like to try this jail thing out with my good buddy Grant alongside. It wasn't so bad. I still think I'll stay away from those locks though.

3. Drinking beer (Root Beer). It was tasty. I think Grant enjoyed it the most however. He couldn't get enough. We may have to keep an eye on him and this possibly obsessive behavior though.

4. Waiting for the fireworks. Okay, it was a long wait. But well worth it. Grant tried to pick up some ladies with Mommy's sunglasses. I told him that wasn't cool. Ladies glasses...not going to get the job done. He finally realized it when no one approached him. He's got a lot to learn.

5. Watching the fireworks. By the time the fireworks finally started...Mommy was tired of taking pictures. Therefore, just imagine in your mind Grant clapping incessantly and me talking non stop as I analyze each one and insist that they are not flowers (one girl in front of us kept saying they looked like flowers).