
Friday, June 17, 2011

Five Minute Friday: Home


Too often I think of what my home looks like instead of what it is.

Too often I think of dirty dishes in the sink instead of family dinners at the dinner table full of talking and laughter.

Too often I think of dirty floors caked with grass, spilled food, smudgey footprints instead of the outdoor fun, meals shared, and beautiful feet that grace it each day.

Too often I think of toys scattered about the floor instead of the fun had by my children as they sat together and played.

Too often I think about dirty bathtubs, toothpaste crusted sinks instead of the fun they had playing outside til the sun goes down.

Too often I think about the piles of laundry waiting to be washed, or folded, or put away instead of the blessing to have the wide array of clothes we have each day.

Home is more than a place. It's more than an appearance. It's where life is lived and enjoyed. My hope is that I can embrace that and not miss out on the real stuff because I was worried about the appearance.

And isn't that what Real Life is? Going deeper than just the outside appearance and dealing with the heart?


Elizabeth Johnson said...

Popped over here from Five Minute Friday... thanks so much for sharing these thoughts today. Just what I needed to remember!

Jenny said...

I really loved this post, Jess!

All Things Beautiful said...

A perfect post on what home is.